Wednesday, January 26, 2011

About Me

My name is Dakin Hewlett and I am a senior at West Chester University. I am from Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania and went to Abington Heights High School. I have two older brothers, Dane and Devin, and a cat named, Edgar.

In my free time I like to play sports, read, cook, and travel. I've been to Panama and Costa Rica twice to live with the Embera Indians in the Panamanian rainforest. I also studied abroad for my junior year of college at Westminster University in London, England.

In this blog I will explore Art, Literature, and Culture in Elizabethan England. I decided on this topic because ever since I was a youngin' I was mildly obsessed with Queen Elizabeth I and the whole time period in general. For that reason I chose to study abroad in London and had the opportunity to learn first-hand about Elizabethan history and culture. I plan to take a fresh approach to the various topics, incorporating modern ideas, and generating edgier dialogue at least once a week.

Hope you enjoy!


  1. Hi Dakin --
    My wife sent me a link to the Yodeler -- oh, wait, it's just SIERRA -- and it beckoned, to the writer, who is pretty talented. So I read everything online. I was hooked when I saw you went to Abington -- I went to Lower Merion. (Did I get that right? Abington? Soccer AND B-ball with a picture in the paper. Of course nothing prepared me for 1. The dark, dark poem you wrote; the only poem you posted on the 'net. That is dark. 2. The graduate level writeup of Queen Elizabeth. Also a walk-off.
    You mention in passing -- that's not right; it's built in to the essay; it's the subtext that's mentioned, given that this is biographical of the Queen -- this matter of orthodoxy / heresy, and Belief. Right now, I have my doubts that you'll actually see this little epistle, so I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on it, but maybe you'll get back to me. I'd like to interest you in writing up something that has a tie-in to the Sierra club -- antibiotics are an environmental issue, and health is always an issue around the Sierra club*. It's about women's health; I got a patent on a cure for bladder infections a few years back, but nobody will write anything about it in the media, because ... because something goes on that harks back to Elizabethan England, where Belief will get you your head handed to you. I can explain that. I don't want to digress too much; don't want to get too much into it; if you're interested, you will call or write. 510 2194255 .
    Let me finish up with a link to a memoir that I just wrote and will be using as my notes at Open Mic at Kaleidoscope Coffeeshop tonight; it's a GoogleDoc.
    I may write to you c/o the Sierra Club but I'll wait a little while and see if you respond to this comment.

    *Health and healthcare is something the Sierra club gets into, but not women's health; and that's something I get the feeling you may have some feelings about. I certainly do.

  2. Abington , not; Abington HEIGHTS!

    1. Richard,

      Thank you for your kind words in regards to my writing. Although I am intrigued, I have to say I'm not in a position to write about this for Sierra as I am only an intern. If you would like the contact info for the person who handles incoming pitches I can provide that.

      All the best in your endeavors.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Let me know when you're ready. I'll wait. Heresy is a VERY touchy subject.
